A non-bucket list, bucket list
Rather than post yet another HS basketball photo(s), I decided to share some exciting news for me. The basketball posts will return next post as there are 5 games over the next two days.
The news? Well, it's time to return to Germany (that's what the saying is above). This will be my 9th time to Deutschland and I'll be going for a little over 2 weeks next month.
Why am I so excited? There are two reasons - 1) I have so many incredible memories from my past visits, and 2) I want to take the time and get some better shots. Plus, I love German beer and food and can speak German fairly well.
Although I've been to Germany with everyone in my family and often alone, it is the 4 times that I was with my daughter that I most treasure. Our first trip was in 1996. I was participating in a research cruise for NASA in the Gulf of Oman and my daughter, who was only 16, flew to Frankfort and waited alone at the airport for, I think, over 6 hours for me to arrive from the Middle East.
I had gotten us German rail passes and we hopped on a train to Munich. This was the start of so many fond memories for me. My daughter and I travel well together and those times were always so special.
Of course I always had a camera with me. The digital age was just starting and I had first a Kodak camera, then a Sony powershot, both had fixed lens. Eventually I had a Nikon D100 on my last trip (2004) - my first "professional " digital DSLR.
In general the photos are not very good except for some using the DSLR, However, there are many, many, many photos that are priceless to me. Sure many are blurry, exposure is off, etc., etc. but to me when I look at them I am filled with such happiness that it hurts. These photos remind me that I am truly a lucky man.
I have wanted to return to Germany for many, many years. I was all set to go in March 2020, but I won't mention what happened. I want to visit the same spots that we did before, take professional quality photos, and hopefully, once again, capture the feeling that I had I was there with my family for what seems so long ago.
I plan to share some of my photos during the trip.
A key message here is that photos have the power to magically transport your mind back in time and allow you to have the feelings that you once experienced. I truly believe this and that's why I work so hard to provide great photos to other.
Until next time, be safe, be kind, and what's on your non-bucket list, bucket list?