Back to "my" sport(s).
Alas, the Germany trip behind me I'm now back to shooting local school sports. Don't get me wrong, baseball is my sport.
I can't think of a better time than to be at a ball park listening to the sound of cleats on concrete, the banter of the kids in the dugout, the crack of a bat (or is that the ding of an aluminum bat), the smell of popcorn wafting in the air.
Since I returned Friday I've already shot 3 baseball games and a softball game. It felt good. It felt right (except for the absence of Wright). It felt like Spring.
And with Spring comes pollen. The skies have been snowing this green stuff for days. Me no like it - wearing hard contacts when there's so much pollen is NO fun at all.
But this will pass so I down a few allergy pills and enjoy the games.
Until next time, be kind, be safe, and how is the pollen in your neck of the woods?