A good day indeed
I'm amazed. And I'm pleased. It was a good day today in KDH, NC my home town.
I learned today that my blog posts are actually reaching people. For the longest time I thought that I was in the Aliens movie. You know, "where in space no one can hear you scream" and no one reads your blog.
I found out that a number of people read, and liked, my post of January 28 regarding needing an enigma machine to understand coaches.
I know now that I don't need a machine. Continuing to observe and engage with people is a far better way. Several people provided comments saying that Coach is indeed a great coach and a really good person - apparently he's more often a kind, gentle sheep than a wolf.
I saw coach tonight - it was deja vu all over again. I was in the First Flight Middle School gym to shoot some more basketball, particularly the boys playoff game. But as usual, I got there early to watch, and shoot a few frames of the girls game. Coach was, well as I described him last post - aways standing, shouting instructions and ALWAYS shouting encouragement and "atta girl, way-to-gos" to the team. Nothing usual. I've seen this movie before and I have the t-shirt.
The team won easily remaining undefeated (hmmmmm, they must have a good Coach) and now head to the conference championship game.
After the game I secured my spot at the baseline directly in line of the basket to prepare my gear for the boys game. I always check my camera settings and I was looking down, lost in the details of the menus. I then felt the presence of someone approaching - I always have my Spidy-senses at full alert because of all the expense equipment on the floor.
As I looked up there was Coach smiling with outstretched hand - "Hi, I'm Tom." He mentioned that he liked the post and wanted to introduce himself to me. Now that's a class act. I was, in a way, humbled that he went out of his way to say hi. Nope, don't need an enigma machine to figure this guy out.
But it didn't stop there. During the half time of the boys game Mr. Basnight sought me out just to introduce himself and say that he enjoyed the post. He also confirmed Coach is both a good coach and person. Another feel good moment - thanks.
So maybe I'll continue to post, on occasion, some of my home-spun stories of what's happening outside the lines of sports. Maybe I'll be the Garrison Keillor of the Outer Banks.
"And now you know the rest of the story." Or maybe Paul Harvey.....
Until next time, be safe, be kind, and if you're lucky, some good people will come up and introduce themselves to you.