Like Happy Gilmore, sometimes it's best to go to your Happy Place
Finally I was able to go to some wrestling last night. To me, wrestling is without a doubt one of the most challenging sports. It's all on your shoulders (including sometimes the weigh of your opponent). Mano e mano.
It was suppose to be a High School tri-meet, but due to some ref scheduling problems, the First Flight Middle School match against Moyock had to be held in the High School gym. There were a lot of matches and I was able to get some good shots. Like the sport, shooting wrestling is very difficult to get a great shot - normally you end up with no more than a lot of butts and hair shots.
I do enjoy watching Middle School sports. Talking about effort and enthusiasm! And it's all for the sport, kids untainted (hopefully) by the lure of money and fame.
Back to high school basketball tonight. Major rivalry, First Flight - Manteo.
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Until next time, be safe, be kind, and what is YOUR "Mom" making for dinner tonight?