Greetings from 34,000 ft over the pond.
I'm composing and will submit this on the plane from Munich to Charlotte while we're off the coast of Newfoundland, or about 4 hours from wheels down. It's gonna be about a 10 hour flight. That's OK, but it was having to get up at "0-dark thirty" that's rough. Didn't get any photos of my leaving Munich - too focused on getting through everything to be able to board the plane.
Getting checked in, through security and immigration control was actually quick and fairly painless. It helps when you've prepared all your documents properly and have them ready, especially all the Covid-related documents,
The last day in Munich was very overcast, windy, and drizzling rain. I decided to do something new, something unique. So I spent my last night in Munich at a large, authentic Irish Pub - Kennedy's. I've been longing to go back to Ireland for a long time and this was the next best thing. In a way it was so weird hearing English with a thick Irish Brogue and German in the same conversation. A little strange, but enjoyable. Aye, going to Kennedy's was a wise decision indeed.
Where there I had some good chats with the bartender and some patrons. It was a good way to top off the trip in a unique way.
The trip is almost over. Hopefully I be back shooting some local sports and posting sports-related stories in a few days. It's just gonna be hard not seeing Wright at the games.
Only the one photo above for this post as the internet on the plane isn't all that speedy.
Until next time, be kind, be safe, and "May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light; may good luck pursue you each morning and night." Oh and may Duke beat Carolina,