Once again I got up at 0430 to head to an airport to change an early flight. Several times the benefits of being a frequent flyer with a high airline status greatly expedited moving through all the airport checkpoints and queues to get on the plane - certainly made things much nicer. That said, you can't fight Father Time and after 21 hours of being up, I finally crashed onto my bed at my airport hotel.
Getting to the hotel was another matter. Took a Taxi for the roughly 3 mile trip and it was like I was in some Hollywood chase scene with the driver constantly blowing the horn - I swear there was more action than in the movies Bullet and the French Connection combined!
First impressions of India? Well, let's just say that it's not like any other country I've been to in many ways. But I'll go into that in my next post.
But the thing is I'm visiting another new country for me. Time to add another notch.
Until next time, be safe, be kind and peace out mates.